Thursday, 20 August 2009

American Idol and X factor vs. You Idol

i found this on a old blog site and thought I would re-post as it is very relevant

I find inspiration for my blogs in the strangest places. I was eating my dinner with X – Factor on, it’s the UK version of American Idol, and guess what? I watched Simon Cowell destroy dream after dream, person after person.
I have huge amount of respect for Simon and think that he is a great source of inspiration for anyone and proof that when you dream it you can begin it. He started from delivering letters and has made it to where he is now…
I watched person after person beg with their eyes for his approval. When he said “No” they were broken…Why? At the end of the day it is one person’s opinion, yes he can make things happen, but nothing can replace you making things happen for yourself, your own values and the values you place on yourself.
If Simon, or the likes of Simon in your life, doesn’t like you or see you as their future, do you throw in the towel? There are lots of avenues you can go down to achieve what you want in life, lots and lots and lots, I think you get the point…. Life doesn’t hang on one thing, and if you let it, that one thing will be gone before you know it, and you will end up achieving nothing! Edward Norton was told by every agent he went to see that he wouldn’t make it, did he just say ok? And give up? I think you know the answer to that. Where and what you achieve comes down to how much do you idolise yourself! Yes that right, waking up and thinking: “I am great! I am Brilliant! Amazing!” What you project is what the world will see, idolise yourself and everything will happen because you will make it happen, because you believe it will!