The last few weeks have been very challenging and very rewarding. I have started my coaching and mentoring with Wolfgang, and he is pushing the buttons, and these ones need to be pushed. I thought I would share some of my work with you and as always put it out there...
On my relationship with money:
1. I want to break this cycle of every few weeks going through this wave of
emotions and worry to do with money, figuring out how I am going to make it
work? I know I will however the emotional roller coasters are tiring me out and
I am tired of being here.
2. I want to know what it means to be truly successful and bank accounts don’t
lie and I feel that a part of me will only accept success when I have the
freedom that money help achieve.
3. When I am free from this situation I will feel that I will have a lot more
credibility when I do my talks, right now I don’t discuss these matters because
it wouldn’t be authentic, I want to be able to discuss those matters as someone
that has and is doing it.
4. Money goes to where it is welcome and I am more than ready to welcome it and
have it stick around
5. I would like my hard work to pay off and wont stop working hard for success
however I want to know that my hard work is leading somewhere and not every
time I do something towards growing my business, something bigger externally
comes and takes a bigger bite from me and it takes me back to point 1.
On ways to make money:
The top ways to make money:
• Have a product or service that people want, that’s what people buy into. The product has to have a high perceived value hence charging a high price can work for you.
• The product or service has to evolve or stay ahead of the times, otherwise you get left behind.
• It has to be visible and credible (or appear to be credible)
• Low production with high profit margins
• Know what your competitors are offering/doing and go one better/ find a format to market that is quick and time effective.
• Find out the methods that work and master them, getting the basics right, champion a successful person.
• Have a clear mission and your vision, know what you stand for and where you want to be.
• Have set goals, with different plans to get there, there is no wrong or right and no right way, learn what worked and what didn’t to move on to the next plan
• Effective use of resources
• Work smart not busy
What person to I need to become to be truly successful:
The person I need to become and am becoming is a leader to highest level, someone who sees through time and lives in the action, someone who always finds a way to learn the lesson and move forward. People around me see as a person to be relied on because of my actions not speech, because I am leading through action which is creating results, even if I am ahead by two steps. I am becoming a person that people want to hear what I have to say and who always works on action coming from a place of truth and keeps ego out( a challenge)when I use truth, I mean true to myself, my values and to my cause's, I mean truth in highest sense, which is telling people when they have to hear the truth, without worrying about offending them because it is coming from a place of truth, on the same token having the ability to think big,bigger and then even bigger, asking myself am I playing big enough? What would one of my champions do? I am committed to celebrate success with myself as well as others. I want to commit myself to always learning more and always pushing my comfort zone, with a balance of relaxing as well, a true leader also knows when to take time out. That's the person I am becoming and need to carry on becoming.
I hope you take something from this...
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Thanks Elliot