Friday, 11 September 2009
Just be
Be the amazing coach you are
Be the amazing leader you are
Be the man of results
Be the radio presenter
Be the speaker
Simply be, how simple is that? Yet it isn’t, I have been in so many minds lately and doing so much, that I wasn’t being I was over thereing( purposely misspelt of course) My energies were split and divided and there it is, I wasn’t being.
We discussed that I am still a looker in and not a looker out, which is holding me back, I was still thinking how lucky I am to have so many amazing people in my life, the difference I am grateful not lucky, I am grateful, being grateful means being part and being thankful for it, thinking I am lucky meant I am on the outside looking in, putting everyone on a pedestal, in essence we are all humans.
Everyday I get up now, I say to myself, just be, I say it to myself every time I switch and am doing a different activity
Be in the moment
Be Elliot the trainer
Be the radio presenter
I now turn my phone off, I close my email, anything that can distract me from being in that moment and then when I need to switch, I will switch to who I need be. It is true Richard Branson doesn’t carry 250 companies in his head, he switches and focuses on one thing at a time and when he is dealing with different things he is simply being.
Right time for me to be a trainer again.
It takes a lot to be and takes courage, courage to simply be, ask yourself, are you being? Or are you doing everything no to be?
Till next time,
PS vote Kay
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
American Idol and X factor vs. You Idol
I find inspiration for my blogs in the strangest places. I was eating my dinner with X – Factor on, it’s the UK version of American Idol, and guess what? I watched Simon Cowell destroy dream after dream, person after person.
I have huge amount of respect for Simon and think that he is a great source of inspiration for anyone and proof that when you dream it you can begin it. He started from delivering letters and has made it to where he is now…
I watched person after person beg with their eyes for his approval. When he said “No” they were broken…Why? At the end of the day it is one person’s opinion, yes he can make things happen, but nothing can replace you making things happen for yourself, your own values and the values you place on yourself.
If Simon, or the likes of Simon in your life, doesn’t like you or see you as their future, do you throw in the towel? There are lots of avenues you can go down to achieve what you want in life, lots and lots and lots, I think you get the point…. Life doesn’t hang on one thing, and if you let it, that one thing will be gone before you know it, and you will end up achieving nothing! Edward Norton was told by every agent he went to see that he wouldn’t make it, did he just say ok? And give up? I think you know the answer to that. Where and what you achieve comes down to how much do you idolise yourself! Yes that right, waking up and thinking: “I am great! I am Brilliant! Amazing!” What you project is what the world will see, idolise yourself and everything will happen because you will make it happen, because you believe it will!
Friday, 17 July 2009
One year online party
you are invited to call the show between 18:00-20.00 we want to keep it fresh, so we are not giving time out to anyone just let us know if you can call in from where ever you are in world: +447866 100766
Speak to you on Thursday
Sunday, 14 June 2009
As seen in the YES group news letter

For years now Tony Robbins has been up there, shouting, high fiving, hugging, crying, getting people to burn their feet with pleasure and break boards with smiles. As always Tony I salute you.
Just like the latest flu epidemic, it will be impossible to miss the fact that we are currently living in a time of change, a time where values are being questioned and we Brits are finding new ways to reach out and move forward.
This is an amazing time for change, it is almost as if everything is being re-written. This is a time when new millionaires are appearing more than ever before. The change feels a bit like Manchester United not being the dominant team in the UK and other teams stepping up to take over, England winning a rugby match as well as a trophy and bringing Life Coaching to the main stream. Which one of those doesn’t fit into the equation? You got it! Life Coaching in the main stream. Now turn to someone next to you and say ”I got it”. Only joking! Why do I mention this?
As Tony Robbins visits Europe less and less and does not come to the
These days when you mention that you are a Coach, the first question is: What? You work in a pool? Hhmmmn no, but maybe I rescue people in the pool of life by helping them make small and simple changes. “Ooohhh now I get you!” they tend to respond. “A bit like Tony Robbins, I have heard of him”, That’s right, except I am Elliot Kay, 5’7.1/2” (and the half is important) however, just as powerful, oh and I am British.
After years of being on stage myself as a dancer, I felt attracted to the self-development world because I always believed in guidance, so kaboom, enter the seminar world. You might have seen me there with my famous hat on. I observed, this speaker is American, another seminar, this one is American, oh this one is English but he is only talking to 50 at a time, oh this one is American too, no wait, this one is an Aussie. Do you get my drift? So I asked myself: Where is British talent? Where is the local talent? Where are the charming yet forceful Brits? Why are we reliant on people from across the pond? After all, didn’t the Beatles take American music back to them?
The good news is
One of the ways you can help the cause is by supporting us, the 12 semi finalists in
There were 57 and now there are 12 left and you can have your say in elevating coaching to the main stream, give coaching a face - and in my case a hat too.
On May 13th, voting opens and goes for 6 weeks. Get online and vote for one of the 12 contestants and send it on to anyone you know because, if you are as passionate as I am about helping people have breakthroughs, make huge changes and finally let the British coaching business have a face, then this is your chance to help that happen.
As one era comes to an end another one always starts,. When a person sets the stage others step into it, history is being written as we speak. Let there be a part of that writing that says: “2009 the year Britain proved it’s got coaching talent, the year that Britain came up with their very own Tony Robbins”.
Elliot is a semi finalist on Britain’s Next Top Coach, which he has created a group for on Facebook called Elliot for Britains Next Top Coach as well as motivational talks Elliot works with up and coming entrepreneurs, moving them away from fear into action and results. You can read and find out more about him on
Sunday, 29 March 2009
This weeks progress

So after my mentor told me that my previous answers were too general, I had to knuckle down and really get clear on who I need to become to play a bigger game and play it to high a level. Here is my answer for this week on who I need to become:
The difference between running a small time business like a coffee shop and Starbucks is Vision and conviction. If we take the Starbuck Model, it is the product itself that the owner never forgets about. He is always looking to grow and add more. He has effective and clever brand control and trains his staff to be experts in coffee making, the different types of coffee and the different ways to make coffee. His market knowledge of the people that drink his coffee is second to none, and he is always looking to refine his knowledge of his market while never forgetting about the quality of the product. Because of that’s what people buy at the end of the day. Its about the coffee.
That’s a good model to follow, always looking to produce a great product, while knowing my market and have a strong brand to back it up, with strong brand recognition, while never forgetting the most important part, which is the product. In my case it is to deliver ground breaking coaching, great CD’s and DVD’s and ground breaking seminars! Know what my market wants and serve them. While always staying true to my values, success, accessibly, authenticity and growth( spiritually, financially and businesswise)
To your success,
Sunday, 22 March 2009
My progress - who is Elliot really?

The last few weeks have been very challenging and very rewarding. I have started my coaching and mentoring with Wolfgang, and he is pushing the buttons, and these ones need to be pushed. I thought I would share some of my work with you and as always put it out there...
On my relationship with money:
1. I want to break this cycle of every few weeks going through this wave of
emotions and worry to do with money, figuring out how I am going to make it
work? I know I will however the emotional roller coasters are tiring me out and
I am tired of being here.
2. I want to know what it means to be truly successful and bank accounts don’t
lie and I feel that a part of me will only accept success when I have the
freedom that money help achieve.
3. When I am free from this situation I will feel that I will have a lot more
credibility when I do my talks, right now I don’t discuss these matters because
it wouldn’t be authentic, I want to be able to discuss those matters as someone
that has and is doing it.
4. Money goes to where it is welcome and I am more than ready to welcome it and
have it stick around
5. I would like my hard work to pay off and wont stop working hard for success
however I want to know that my hard work is leading somewhere and not every
time I do something towards growing my business, something bigger externally
comes and takes a bigger bite from me and it takes me back to point 1.
On ways to make money:
The top ways to make money:
• Have a product or service that people want, that’s what people buy into. The product has to have a high perceived value hence charging a high price can work for you.
• The product or service has to evolve or stay ahead of the times, otherwise you get left behind.
• It has to be visible and credible (or appear to be credible)
• Low production with high profit margins
• Know what your competitors are offering/doing and go one better/ find a format to market that is quick and time effective.
• Find out the methods that work and master them, getting the basics right, champion a successful person.
• Have a clear mission and your vision, know what you stand for and where you want to be.
• Have set goals, with different plans to get there, there is no wrong or right and no right way, learn what worked and what didn’t to move on to the next plan
• Effective use of resources
• Work smart not busy
What person to I need to become to be truly successful:
The person I need to become and am becoming is a leader to highest level, someone who sees through time and lives in the action, someone who always finds a way to learn the lesson and move forward. People around me see as a person to be relied on because of my actions not speech, because I am leading through action which is creating results, even if I am ahead by two steps. I am becoming a person that people want to hear what I have to say and who always works on action coming from a place of truth and keeps ego out( a challenge)when I use truth, I mean true to myself, my values and to my cause's, I mean truth in highest sense, which is telling people when they have to hear the truth, without worrying about offending them because it is coming from a place of truth, on the same token having the ability to think big,bigger and then even bigger, asking myself am I playing big enough? What would one of my champions do? I am committed to celebrate success with myself as well as others. I want to commit myself to always learning more and always pushing my comfort zone, with a balance of relaxing as well, a true leader also knows when to take time out. That's the person I am becoming and need to carry on becoming.
I hope you take something from this...
If you havent already voted for me, please do, see info:
Thanks Elliot
Monday, 9 March 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
"Why I am practically giving away a coaching session on my top five mistakes that entrepreneurs make?
I know you hear stuff like that all the time, but I'm serious...
There are currently not enough leaders around and I want to change that in order to help change your situation and generate wealth globally. Lots of people have asked me to do this and I am caving, that's right caving in, to the demand that I've got to offer a one off session Tele-seminar for coaching...
As you may know, the situation right now appears to be gloomy, not if I have anything to with it, now, more than ever it is time to take action yourself and get yourself out there. It is a myth that there is lack of resources... so right now we're at bursting point! And I am excited about it...
Consequently, we need more leaders, you, not just to cope with the huge demand for change, but also to ensure we maintain the high standards, set ourselves apart and ahead.
And in order to take the quality of coaching we offer to the next level, I'm also adding live Tele-seminars to Elliot Kay Life Coaching business...
If you've been wanting or struggling to get your business off the ground... this could be the opportunity you've been waiting for! What would it be worth to you to learn the mistakes early?
Have you ever wished that someone could sit down with you, in person, and physically help you start a business or help you discover where you have gone wrong?
Wouldn't it be EASY to get started if you had a mentor who had who could tell you everything you need to know, step-by-step?
Even though I am not there in person, I can still be there next to you virtually. I'm talking about helping you finally defeat the fear, lack of knowledge, and procrastination, as well as giving you what you need to kick-start your business by inviting you to join...
Elliot on a Tele-seminar call on the 10 of March. So that's the 10 of March, even if it's late for you stay up wake or put the time aside. It will last for around 1 hour, surely you have an hour to get you on the way?
Put the date in your dairy:
Elliot on a Tele-seminar call on the 10 of March:
18:30 GMT Dublin/London
22:30 INDIA
12:30 Miami
10:30 LA
20:30 In some parts of the middle east
Please visit for your local time
And all this for $50, that's it, that is more than a %50 discount to what I charge on a one to one. Put that date aside payment will be taken via pay pal.
Once you have signed for up the call. I will email you the access details. To book your place now click on
Saturday, 21 February 2009
"Why I am I practically giving away a coaching session on my top five mistakes that entrepreneurs make?
I know you hear stuff like that all the time, but I’m serious...
There are currently not enough leaders around and I want to change that in order to help change your situation and generate wealth globally. Lots of people have asked me to do this and I am caving, that’s right caving in, to the demand that I’ve got to offer a one off session Tele-seminar for coaching...
As you may know, the situation right now appears to be gloomy, not if I have anything to with it, now, more than ever it is time to take action yourself and get yourself out there. It is a myth that there is lack of resources... so right now we’re at bursting point! And I am excited about it…
Consequently, we need more leaders, you, not just to cope with the huge demand for change, but also to ensure we maintain the high standards, set ourselves apart and ahead.
And in order to take the quality of coaching we offer to the next level, I’m also adding live Tele-seminars to Elliot Kay Life Coaching business...
If you’ve been wanting or struggling to get your business off the ground... this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for! What would it be worth to you to learn the mistakes early?
Have you ever wished that someone could sit down with you, in person, and physically help you start a business or help you discover where you have gone wrong?
Wouldn't it be EASY to get started if you had a mentor who had who could tell you everything you need to know, step-by-step?
Even though I am not there in person, I can still be there next to you virtually. I'm talking about helping you finally defeat the fear, lack of knowledge, and procrastination, as well as giving you what you need to kick-start your business by inviting you to join...
Elliot on a Tele-seminar call on the 10 of March, Time to TBC. So that’s the 10 of March, even if it’s late for you stay up wake or put the time aside. It will last for around 1 hour, surely you have an hour to get you on the way?
And all this for $50, that’s it, that is more than a %50 discount to what I charge on a one to one. Put that date aside payment will be taken via pay pal.
Put the date in your dairy and I will be confirming the time by Wednesday next week.
Any questions, please email
Saturday, 3 January 2009
10 Steps to a great year
1. Become positively selfish- Don’t mistake that with becoming self centred. Take time for you this year, invest in yourself. Give yourself time when it is needed in order for you to serve and help others better. Make sure that every action starts with you and that it comes from a good place.
2. Don’t put things off, simply do it- The only way to get something done is to do! Stop making excuses, stop coming up with reasons why not and simply make 2009 a year of doing. Do the actions and learn from them, even if things don’t work out there is always a lesson. Write down a few action steps that will get you going, and simply do them.
3. Pay attention to details- learning and developing happens when we pay attention to detail. When we look into our action and tune into the fine details of an outcome, this is where the learning happens. By taking this on board we develop and learn to improve our actions. We also learn to appreciate the smaller things in life by paying attention to detail.
4. Lead by example- Don’t wait for other people to do things for you. If you have an idea or you want something done, get up and do it yourself. If you don’t know about the subject, learn about it and put it into action. When others see what you are doing and achieving, they will start to follow. It doesn’t mean you have to leave people behind or not take people with you. You lead first, lead because you want to better yourself and better yourself in order for your loved ones to have a better life.
5. Choose your circle of friends wisely- If you are hanging around with people that are always in debt, blaming others for their problems and always finding the negative in every situation, what’s the chances of you moving out of that and developing the mind set of an achiever? This is not an easy action to take. If you want to become an achiever then you will need to change your circle of friends to achievers, people who always find the solution in any given situation. Everyone is approachable when you come from a genuine place.
6. Find your resources- It is a myth that there is a lack of resources in the world. That is simply an excuse. Very few people start with everything to hand. Get creative, learn and ask people how they got theirs. There is always an honest way to get what you need. Who can you team up with to make it happen?
7. Accept feedback on any level- When people offer feedback in whatever form, take it on board, take responsibility and act on it. Accept feedback in whatever medium it’s offered. Even if someone is taking an idea of yours apart, listen, there is always a lesson. The more resistance there is to an idea the chances are it’s a very good one. When you learn to accept feedback it stops becoming personal.
8. Find the balance in everything- Time apart from anything is just as important as time spent invested. Time for yourself is as important as time shared. Find a balance in everything you’re doing, if you are starting a business make sure you take time away from it, don’t let it run you, delegate where possible. This applies to any other situation you might be in.
9. Time to raise your game- How is playing at this level working for you? If it has, great, up the level and play bigger, aim higher and embrace the challenge of playing at a higher level. If the answer is it hasn’t, work out why. Pay attention to detail and up the level you play to a level you think is far beyond your reach, you can always scale back, at least you are aiming higher than you ever have, make the commitment and see the results.
10. Have fun- Enjoy and inject fun in into all of the above steps and into everything you do. If you are having fun, hard work doesn’t feel like hard work, ideas come naturally and you find that you love what you do. Simple isn’t it?! Simply have fun with whatever you are doing.
Make 2009 the year of FUN and ACTION!
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Elliot Kay Life Coaching